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Friday, August 20, 2010

Maharathi karna

Maharathi karna

He was the symbol of power .
He was the symbol of generosity .
He was the symbol of kindness.
He was the symbol of friendship .

He is known as maharathi karna.

He was gifted with kavacha & kundala.
He was the son surya deva.
But the world called him sutha puthra.
He was a perfect warrior.

He is known as maharathi karna.

He fought against his own blood.
He stood for his friend.
He gave his life for his brothers.
He stood for what he believed.

He is known as maharathi karna.

He lost everything but he was the winner.
He taught us how to sacrifice.
For a friend and for truth he believed.
How to live for truth and reality

He is known as maharathi karna.

He was the soul of Mahabharata.
Without him Mahabharata has no meaning.
Panadavas got nothing by wining the war.
Karna got everything by giving his life for his brothers .

he is known as maharathi karna.

1 comment:

  1. As always, it's another marvel from you. Your deep understanding of the Mahabharata, and the way you put together every detail, in a fresh new style... is absolutely amazing. I really admire your talent.
    Keep writing. Looking forward to reading more of your marvels.
